Mariu Kiesslingu zmaga, boj za stopničke še povsem odprt // Mario Kiessling wins the competition, battle for the podium expected in today’s Race 6

(see below for English translation)

Izjemno vreme je poskrbelo za visoke povprečne hitrosti na nekaj več kot 360km dolgi nalogi in za napete boje na področju od Ljubnega na vzhodu, do avstrijske Lesne doline na zahodu. Tokrat so bile stopničke povsem v nemških barvah, saj je zmago slavil Mario Kiessling (Ventus 3 // I), ki si je s tem že zagotovil tudi skupno zmago, družbo pa sta mu delala še drugouvrščeni Tilo Holighaus (Ventus 3 // 3V) in David Bauder (Ventus 3 // DC). Slovenski piloti so bili uvrščeni tik pod stopničkami. Boris Žorž (JS3 // BL) je bil četrti, Luka Žnidaršič (Ventus 3 FES // LZ) pa tik za njim na petem mestu. S tem rezultatom se je Boris tik pod vrhom v skupnem seštevku po točkah (23) izenačil z Nemcem Patrickom Puskeilerjem (Ventus 3 // K1). Tesno jima sledita Poljak Stanisław Biela (Ventus 3 // S) in Nemec David Bauder (Ventus 3 // DC), ki sta prav tako izenačena po točkah (21). Na skupnem šestem mestu pa je Jernej Lokovšek z 20 točkami. To pomeni, da je kar šest pilotov še vedno v boju za preostali dve mesti na stopničkah, tako da lahko v današnji zadnji dirki pričakujemo izjemen boj.

Vabljeni k navijanju za naše pilote na letališču v Lescah ali pa na daljavo, prek ene od platform, na katerih bomo današnjo zadnjo dirko prenašali v živo. Povezave do njih objavimo pred poletanjem. Medtem vas vabimo k ogledu video povzetka včerajšnjega dne.


The exceptional weather ensured high average speeds on the task, which was a little over 360km long, and led to intense battles from Ljubno in the east to the Austrian Lesachtal in the west. This time, the podium was entirely German, with Mario Kiessling (Ventus 3 // I) taking the victory, securing the overall win as well. He was joined by Tilo Holighaus (Ventus 3 // 3V) in second place and David Bauder (Ventus 3 // DC) in third. The Slovenian pilots finished just below the podium. Boris Žorž (JS3 // BL) came in fourth, and Luka Žnidaršič (Ventus 3 FES // LZ) was right behind him in fifth place. With this result, Boris is now tied for second place in the overall standings with German Patrick Puskeiler (Ventus 3 // K1), both with 23 points. Close behind are Polish Stanisław Biela (Ventus 3 // S) and German David Bauder (Ventus 3 // DC), both tied with 21 points. In sixth place overall is Jernej Lokovšek with 20 points. This means that six pilots are still in contention for the remaining two podium spots, promising an exciting battle in today’s final race.

We invite you to cheer for our pilots at the Lesce airfield or remotely through one of the platforms where we will broadcast today’s final race live. Links to these platforms will be posted before takeoff. In the meantime we invite you check out some photos (thanks again, Tilo!) and to watch our latest video edit with some of the highlights from yesterday’s Race 5.

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