Dnevna zmaga Mariu, Boris drugi, Tilo pa tretji // Race 2 winner is Mario, followed by Boris and Tilo

(see below for English translation)

Za nami je krajša, a izjemno zanimiva naloga, ki jo je popestrilo dokaj zahtevno vreme, s tendenco severnega vetra. Piloti so se odlično spopadli z izzivom, ki jih je od štarta nad blejskim otokom najprej vodil proti vzhodu, do Smrekovca in nato proti zahodu, najprej do Korenskega sedla in nato prek Podkorena nazaj proti letališču. Z izjemnim letenjem je z nalogo najhitreje opravil Mario Kiessling (I), s povprečno hitrostjo kar 128kmh. Tesno sta mu sledila Boris Žorž (BL) in Tilo Holighaus (3V). V skupnem seštevku po dveh tekmovalnih dnevih s 16 točkami vodi Mario Kiessling, drugi je s 13 točkami Jernej Lokovšek, tretji pa z 12 točkami Boris Žorž. Vsem pilotom čestitamo za odlično letenje! Hvala Žigi in Tilu za nekaj fotk z grida, s podelitve nagrad in iz zraka!

Rezultate najdete tukaj: https://sgp.aero/slovenia2024


Pilots have completed a shorter but extremely interesting task, spiced up by rather challenging weather with a tendency of a northern wind. The pilots handled the challenge excellently, which led them from the start over Lake Bled’s island first to the east, to Smrekovec, and then to the west, first to Korensko sedlo and then across Podkoren back to the airfield. With exceptional flying, Mario Kiessling (I) completed the task the fastest, with an average speed of 128 km/h. Close behind him were Boris Žorž (BL) and Tilo Holighaus (3V). In the overall standings after two competition days, Mario Kiessling leads with 16 points, Jernej Lokovšek is second with 13 points, and Boris Žorž is third with 12 points. Congratulations to all the pilots for their excellent flying! Thanks to Tilo and Žiga for couple of shots from the cockpit, from the grid and from the prize-giving ceremony.

Results: https://sgp.aero/slovenia2024

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