Današnjo kratko, a zanimivo tretjo dirko dobil Patrick Puskeiler // Today’s short but interesting Race 3 was won by Patrick Puskeiler

Napoved ni bila preveč obetavna, k sreči pa je bila povsem točna. Oblačnost se ni razkrojila vse do zgodnjega popoldneva, ko so prvi sončni žarki začeli sprožati posamezne šibke vzgornike. S poletanji so zato piloti danes začeli kasneje kot prejšnje dni, v zrak pa smo poslali tudi Andreja Kolarja, ki je presondiral del območja naloge in potrdil, da se da ostati v zraku in štartati na nalogo. Nekaj pilotom v prvo ni uspelo ostati v zraku, saj se je v intervalu, v katerem so poletali, nebo ponovno nekoliko pokrilo, kar je tudi zavrlo razvoj termike na področju odpenjanja od vlečnega letala. Po ponovnem poletanju so večinoma ostali v zraku in nekaj čez 16h se je štartna linija nad Španovim vrhom, severno od Jesenic odprla in piloti so lahko štartali. Najprej proti vzhodu, točka je bila nad Kokro, zahodno od Krvavca. Nato pa nazaj proti zahodu, najprej na točko na Španovem vrhu in nato še južno proti Galetovcu, JZ od Bohinjske Bele, nazaj na sever proti kontrolni točki nad Mostami (Sava Dolinka) in nato v cilj. Prvi je ciljno linijo sicer prečkal Mario Kiessling, vendar je zaradi prenizkega prečkanja ciljne linije prejel kazenske sekunde. Zmaga je zato šla Patricku Puskeilerju, ki je sicer ciljno črto preletel kot drugi, vendar je zaradi manjšega števila prejetih kazenskih sekund zmagal. Tretji je bil Jernej Lokovšek. Vsem pilotom čestitamo za borbeno predstavo, ki smo jo tudi na tleh z zanimanjem spremljali. Hvala Tilu za fotke iz zraka.


The forecast wasn’t very promising, but fortunately, it turned out to be accurate. The cloud layer didn’t dissipate until early afternoon, when the first rays of sun started to trigger weak thermals. As a result, the pilots began their flights later than on previous days. We also sent Andrej Kolar into the air, who scouted part of the task area and confirmed that it was possible to stay aloft and start the task. Some pilots initially failed to stay in the air, as the cloud layer thickened again, hindering the development of thermals in the area where they released from the tow plane. After relaunching, most of them remained in the air, and shortly after 4 PM, the start line over Španov vrh, north of Jesenice, opened, allowing the pilots to start. The first point was to the East, over the Kokra river, west of Krvavec. Then they headed back West, first to the point at Španov vrh, where they started, then south towards Galetovec, southwest of Bohinjska Bela, back north to the checkpoint over Moste (Sava Dolinka), and then to the finish line.

Mario Kiessling was the first to cross the finish line, but he received penalty seconds for crossing the line too low. Therefore, the victory went to Patrick Puskeiler, who crossed the finish line second but won due to fewer penalty seconds. Jernej Lokovšek finished third, without any penalties. Congratulations to all the pilots for their great performance, which we followed with great interest from the ground. Thanks to Tilo for photos from the cockpit.

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